Motherhood is…where I am

January 20, 2015  •  6 Comments

I am so excited to be joining a blog circle called "Motherhood is..." I'll be posting personal pictures each month that represent my journey as a mother and sharing links to the other, wonderful women, that are sharing their images and stories on their pages. I hope that you will enjoy my posts and visit the other pages as well.

A recent breakfast...

It is very humbling to acknowledge the passage of time. I can remember a time when my husband and I were unsure about the prospect of having children. We were working, busy, enjoying our lives, and could not possibly conceive of what bringing a child into the mix would mean to us. Our son is now five, going on six, and I can't imagine life any other way. It's especially in those mundane, everyday happenings, such as breakfast, that I feel I'm exactly where I belong. 


I do hope you will continue around the circle with a visit to Jessica's page.


Brian Fox(non-registered)
i was very nervous about having kids- would they be safe, would they get through the tough part of adolescence, would they graduate from High School, would they get into college, would they graduate from college, could we afford to pay for college, would they move out of the house, would they get jobs, what about them having kids. Well, I'm happy to report that 32 years later I have 3 adult wonderful kids, all out of the house, gainfully employed, one grandchild 21/2 one more due in a week! Wouldn't trade the experience for anything in the world!!
Leilani Paular Photography
Thanks for visiting, ladies! Yes, Jessica, it's a goal for me to be in more pictures as I'm more often the one taking them. It takes a little more effort, but is worth it.
Jessica Mason(non-registered)
Love that you are in the image too, that is my aim for this year. To be in 1 or 2 images.
the mundane is what its all about :)
ashley cherry(non-registered)
I love seeing photographers get in front of the lens & the sentiment of this post. <3
Kelly M(non-registered)
Welcome to the blog circle! I agree, sometimes the mundane things are the best.
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